3 Things to do before you book an Online Adult ADHD Assessment with me
Posted on 3rd July 2024 at 16:40
1 - Is your GP is willing to enter into a Shared Care Agreement?
After an online ADHD Assessment, if you receive an ADHD diagnosis, then would you want to consider medication? If the answer is “Yes”, then you need to know if your GP is willing to enter into a “Shared Care Agreement”. The majority of people who have a private virtual ADHD Assessment, will also have a private medication assessment. ADHD medication is a specialist area of prescribing and most GPs are not trained to do the initial assessment and prescribing of ADHD medication. Therefore, you would need to see a private specialist prescriber who may be a psychiatrist, a mental health nurse or a pharmacist. They will work with you to agree on a medication which works well for you, at what dose and at what time of day you should take it.