I currently have availability for supervision 

Clinical Supervision 

I have eighteen years’ experience of providing Clinical Supervision in the NHS and in independent practice to Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Doctoral level Trainees and a range of other health professionals. I am an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant/Supervisor and I have a Post-Graduate Certificate in the Supervision of Applied Psychological Practice from the University of Oxford. I have previously been an accredited BABCP supervisor. 
I offer individual and group supervision to clinicians wanting to develop their use of EMDR, CBT or Integrative Psychotherapy. I also offer supervision for therapists working towards EMDR Europe accreditation . I supervise professionals working in the NHS, in independent practice, in charities and in other organisational contexts. The number of clinicians I work with in a group varies from two to four and groups may be for an hour or for two hours. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the options for individual or group supervision. 

Clinical Supervision 

The aim of clinical supervision is to ensure that the therapy which is offered to clients is as effective and efficient as it can be and is safe and ethical. 
The process of achieving this is the development of the theoretical understanding and clinical skills of the supervisee in the context of a supportive and collaborative professional relationship. Supervision respects the confidentiality of the client and of other colleagues. The names of clients and colleagues, and other information which might identify individuals are anonymised or changed to protect confidentiality. 
I value supervisees being well prepared for supervision with a specific supervision question or issue. I think that it is very helpful for us to play recordings of our clinical work in supervision as often as possible in order to improve our insight and skills. I consider that deliberate skills practice outside of sessions for example by listening to recordings and practising specific skills in supervision is a crucial method for therapist development and this is well supported by recent research findings. 
I think it is important to bring outcome measures relating to our clients’ progress to clinical supervision so that we have a clear indication of whether or not therapy is working and we can intervene where necessary. I believe that supervision should be a safe space in which, as clinicians, we can discuss our concerns and mistakes and learn from them. 
Clinical supervision is also an opportunity for psychological therapists to evaluate their own professional development and to review opportunities for additional training. It provides structure and support for working towards accreditation. I am an EMDR Europe Consultant and to work towards EMDR Europe Practitioner or Consultant accreditation, clinical supervision needs to be with an accredited Consultant. I also offer CBT clinical supervision to CBT therapist who want to become accredited. 
Clinical supervision provides a context in which difficult issues such as risk, safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and ethical concerns can be discussed and explored. It supports thoughtful, safe and ethical practice which benefits clients and psychological therapists. 
Clinical supervision sessions are an hour long and my supervision fees are £110/hour.  
The frequency with which clinicians attend supervision varies. It depends on the standards of the individual’s accrediting body, the requirements of the organisation in which the clinician works and the caseload of the therapist. Some psychological trainees will attend clinical supervision weekly, whereas some supervision groups may only meet every 4-6 weeks.