The Adult ADHD Assessment includes:
An online assessment appointment, lasting a maximum of 2.5 hours including a mid-session break of 15 minutes, to provide information about yourself.
The opportunity for someone who knew you well as a child to provide information to me in a phone call and to complete a questionnaire. Alternatively you can ask someone who knows you well as an adult to provide information to me and complete a questionnaire
A comprehensive Assessment Report with a copy for you and for your GP.
A letter confirming the diagnosis (if it is a positive diagnosis).
A 30-minute appointment after the Assessment Report has been completed to discuss the outcome of the assessment and to support you to access treatment and therapy options depending on the diagnosis.
Criteria for the diagnosis of Adult ADHD
For a diagnosis of ADHD to be made, symptoms should:
meet the diagnostic criteria in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders V
the symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity and/or inattention need to cause at least moderate psychological, social and/or educational or occupational impairment based on interview and/or direct observation
be pervasive, occurring in 2 or more important settings including social life, family, school or work settings
Like all psychologists I am required to have regular clinical supervision and may take to supervision anything which we discuss in your assessment. The aim of supervision is to ensure that I provide the most effective service for you.
In very rare instances (such as information relating to terrorism) I may be required by law to disclose confidential information about you.
I may contact your GP or other professionals involved in your care if I believe that there is a risk of serious harm to yourself or others. This includes issues relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.
I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, and I understand General Data Protection Regulation and abide by this for the storage of all data. Information held digitally is encrypted.
Professional Registration
I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). If you have a complaint against me which it has not been possible for us to resolve through discussion, then please contact HCPC:
Tel: 0800 328 4218 Email: