3 Things to do before you book an Online Adult ADHD Assessment with me - Part 3
Posted on 29th August 2024 at 12:24
Implications of an ADHD Diagnosis in the UK
An ADHD diagnosis may exclude you from certain careers and opportunities and it may have other implications, for example for driving in the UK. Although these issues will only be relevant for a minority of people, it is obviously important to understand them before you have a Virtual Adult ADHD assessment and potentially, an ADHD diagnosis.
The Armed Services
Everyone joining the army, navy or RAF in the UK will need to pass a medical examination. An ADHD diagnosis in itself, will not prevent you from joining the armed services as long as you:
Do not also have a common mental disorder (such as depression or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Do not also have substance misuse problems
Have not had behavioural difficulties for at least a year
You may be asked for evidence that you have been functioning well r and without behavioural difficulties for the last year. This might include evidence that you have been attending regularly and performing well in your job or at school or college.
In March 2023, ADHD UK, made a Freedom of Information Request to the British Military to ask how many people currently serving have a formal diagnosis of ADHD. The answers were:
1240 in the British Army
265 in the Royal Navy
114 in the RAF